
Saving The World One Dog At A Time
Colorado Japanese Chin Rescue, P.O. Box 470533, Aurora, CO 80047-0533 - (720) 422-0468

Frequently we receive dogs who need extraordinary care. We make every effort to provide each dog with whatever treatment is necessary and possible. This includes but is not limited to cardiology care, ophthalmology care, orthopedic surgery as well as other types of surgery which may be necessary to help them live healthier lives. This would not be possible without our amazing Veterinary relationships who not only provide expert care, but also discount many services to help with costs.
We also apply for grants and participate in many fundraising events to help pay for these costs. However many times it is through the generous donations of the public which make this possible. All funds from grants, adoption donations and fundraising is used to cover the cost of caring for the dogs. All dogs who require major veterinary care are given plenty of time to rehabilitate in foster care before going to their forever home. Your tax deductible donation can help many animals in our care.

The Warren Zevon Heart 2 Heart Fund
The Warren Zevon Heart 2 Heart Fund was set up on 1/1/2017 to honor the life of a very special little chin who was part of our rescue for far to brief of a time. The fund is Warren's way of continuing his legacy and giving back to other rescue dogs with heart disease. The fund will assist owner's of adopted rescue dog's or dog's currently in rescue or shelter, in paying for a heart ultrasound. The fund will pay up to $350.00 per dog for the cardiology testing of rescue dogs in order to determine the necessary treatment. The dog does not have to be a Japanese Chin or adopted from our organization, however it must be adopted either through a reputable rescue organization or shelter. Ten percent of all donations to CJCR go directly to the fund unless otherwise designated by the donor. Please email us at cjcrescue@gmail.com for more information and application for the fund. Warren's complete story coming soon.